I got fever. A heavy one. But this will not stop me from surfing internet,blog-walking,download activities and what not. And today, (which actually just now) I found this video from youtube and my lil heart says there's something I need to do with this song. I need to memorize this song,starting from now. It's UMS song entitled "Bertekad Cemerlang". Those title just suit me the best! The main point here,in our orientation days starting 7th September 2011 we will have to know and memorize this song well. I mean,very well. Never-mind then,I do have plenty of time to memorize it.
UMS lambang puncak jaya
pancaran perjuangan semangat waja
pembentuk citra pelindung budaya
memandu bangsa memaju negara
Di sini dicanai segala fikiran
di sini dikaji segala wawasan
ilmu iman sumber pedoman
bakti curah kasih budiman
Bayu bertiup nafasmu sejati
bumi terhampar tubuhmu abadi
samudera biru wajahmu berseri
suria menyinar tenagamu murni
Kaulah harapan bangsa maju
Kaulah jambatan nusa bersatu
Berdiri megah kekal bermutu
Menuju arah bakal dituju
UMS kaulah tunggak negara
warisan sejati Malaysia tercinta
bertekad cemerlang menjadi budaya
semoga unggul dan sejahtera
The lyric's meaningful,right? It has been so long I don't feel this kind of spirit. Study's spirit. I want to be a good student and a smart one.
I'll try harder. And will not bad talk about coming tasks. I'll study harder and harder. I want that 'Anugerah Dekan'. I want to be an old Arbayani which lost four years ago. I will.